How To Rehydrate Ink Pads?

Ink pads are one of the most useful tools in offices, aren’t they?

They are mostly used to reduce the time and effort of signing each paper manually. A rubber marker that can be a logo of a company or a signature is pressed onto the ink pad, and then it is applied onto a paper.

That being said, the ink of these pads can dry out if not appropriately packed after usage. Don’t worry! There are few ways by which you will be able to rehydrate the ink pads.

Want to know how to rehydrate ink pads with minimal effort? Keep reading till the end, and you will have all your queries answered.

Why Are Rehydrating Ink Pads Important?

As much as we love the bright and vibrant color stamps an ink pad offers, it can dry out with just a little ignorance towards repacking the unit after usage.

To get a satisfactory result of using ink pads, rehydrating them after a certain period of time is very important.

Here are few mentionable reasons why rehydrating ink pads are necessary. Have a look!

It Will Help You Save Few Bucks

An ink pad can get dried out even after a week of usage. Although ink pads don’t cost a fortune, you will require deep pockets to purchase a unit after each time they dehydrate.

By rehydrating the ink pads, you won’t have to go through the hassle of purchasing a new unit now and then.

Clearer And More Vibrant Application Of Ink Pad Stamps

The color of the ink pad usually becomes dull after a few days of usage. The rubber marker you will use by pressing on this dry ink pad to imprint a signature or a symbol will be faded. Rehydrating the ink pads will resolve such issues and will ensure that the marks are clear and sharp.

Tips To Rehydrate Ink Pads In Different Ways?

Knowing how to re-ink an ink pad is necessary to have a satisfactory experience of using an ink pad rubber stamp. It will make the sign of your organization look brighter and vibrant on the documents.

There are a couple of ways to rehydrate an ink pad. You will have to choose a method according to your convenience. Check them out!

1. Using A Refill Kit

Refill Kit

This is one of the fastest and most effective rehydrating methods of an ink pad. To conduct this rehydrating method, you will require minimal effort. Let’s see how it is done.

  • First, do the most apparent thing, open the ink pad.
  • Then place it on a flat surface that has very low airflow.
  • Eliminate the cap from the refill kit and start pouring the ink onto the ink pad in a zig-zag motion.
  • Keep on pouring the ink from back and forth until the pad is completely rehydrated.
  • Finally, check if the ink pad is rehydrated or not by doing a sample stamping using your stamp. If the stamp comes out perfect, the process is successful. Assuming not, repeat previous steps again.


Before you rehydrate an ink pad, you should initially check if there are any defects in it. In the event that there are tears or flaws in the pad, you will be in an ideal situation changing the whole unit instead of rehydrating it.

While choosing a refill kit for rehydrating the ink pad, you must check if there is any particular refill-kit available for that ink pad. It is preferable to purchase that specific refill since it will provide long-lasting color and ensure the best outcome.

2. Using Distilled Water

Using Distilled Water

Using distilled water for rehydrating an ink pad is a short-term solution. It won’t make your stamps dark for an extended period but will surely meet your needs at that moment.

Check out how you will be able to rehydrate ink pads with the help of distilled water.

  •  Open the ink pad and keep it on a table.
  • First, transfer the distilled water into a small cup for more convenience while pouring it onto the ink pad.
  • Then, slowly pour the water on the ink pad in scattered motion and do it until the pad is completely soaked.


This rehydrating method should be done with distilled water only. Otherwise, the minerals and other components of water will degrade the cushion of the ink pad.

Final Word

Nothing can make the stamping process easier than an ink pad. However, the ink of the ink pads could get dry in a very short time.

So, it is quite necessary to know the right process of rehydrating ink pads to have a hassle-free stamping experience.

Hopefully, after reading our article, you have understood how to rehydrate ink pads effectively and will be able to implement it without hiccups.

More Resource:

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➥ How To Use Distress Ink step by step guide.

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